Sunday, July 25, 2010

Out of reach..

Ever have something so close, about to reach for it then all of a sudden it's gone? I'm sure we've all experienced this.. & while I was sitting here kind of pissed off, annoyed, a tid of sadness I asked myself why?
Why me? ..Because ya gotta learn sometime girl!
Why did I even bother? ..What's the point of life if you don't take chances?
Why do I even care? ..It's called FEELINGS LYNDSAY.
Why am I wasting my time pissed off? ..Good point.

That went through my head and I can honestly say I'm over it. It took me like 1 hour to get over it, but i figured that's better than days, right?

Thats beside the point though... everyday people are experiencing things asking themselves why me? Why does my life suck? Why doesn't anything good ever come to me? Why can't my life be like theres?
Ever just thought about asking yourself these questions and answering them in a more posotive way? Instead of asking yourself 'why me?' then responding with, 'Cuz Gods out to get me'... think of a reason this could benefit you and feed off of it. not only do situations we go through teach us things, but they also make us stronger people. Not everyone learns and comes out strong though.. the ones thinking God is out to get only them, and their life sucks more than anyones are the ones who never learn, who are that way because they never learned to become stronger from a situation.. Don't be that person.

It's not easy at all finding positive reasons why in any situation, whether it be why did the pop at the lunch table have to pour on me? or why did my Dad have to die now?... It's hard to think of positive reasons, but that's why these why's are there.

This whole post makes sense to me.. kinda. So hopefully it makes somewhat sense to others :)

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