Monday, June 7, 2010

Hardball of Life

Everyone's going to be hit with a hardball in their life. For some it happens when they're young, for others they don't experience it till they're a lot older and mature. Of course though, for many people it happens multiple times in ones life.
Who knows what each persons hardball is, the point of it is that we all experience moments of emptiness.
Many of us can learn something out of our negative experiences that were thrown at us, and jump back into life the way we were before. Some people though can't do that, they don't see a positive in a negative, they don't see a light at the end of the tunnel, and don't believe it'll ever get better.
If you've ever been that person, or are that person, or will unknowingly be that person in the future I hope you get help for not only yourself, but to save the heartache for your family and friends too. Deep down I believe if they saw the effect of their choice on their family and friends they would take it back, and realize how important they really are. So why can't we now as friends and family to many many people in this world show we care, and make the people we love feel important everyday? Why does it take a huge event like suicide to bring our true feelings and emotions for a person? Because we don't know how much we love something until it's gone? Why not love people before their time on earth is gone? Whether it be ones own choice or God's choice... Think before you leave home angry at your Dad or Mom, think before you hang up on your friend pissed off, think before you get mad at your boyfriend or girlfriend for a stupid reason, and think.. before you make someone feel bad about themselves.

Before this year I have never been affected by death in a dramatic way. Now though, it seems as if it's a domino effect of people we know and love quickly leaving us.
I wish we had all the answers to the questions, but we don't...

My advice for the day, be ready for unexpected things to be thrown at you. God doesn't put things in our lives to torment us, He put them there because He knows we're strong enough to overcome them IF WE CHOOSE TO. If we get to that step, we're coming out of a negative situation with a positive outlook, and as a stronger person.
Don't let the little things ruin your limited days here.


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